Friday, November 11, 2011

The Middle

So today I auditioned for "The Middle" one of the funniest shows on television right now. The concept is incredible, especially when considering the emphasis placed on middle America. This is that point I spoke about yesterday. Getting away from the obsession with beauty and concentrating on innovative stories that showcase talent in it's many shapes and geographical regions. The crazy thing is that I will be 30 in January and I am still auditioning for high school parts. I always said I would be hot when I turned 30 so perhaps this is one goal that I accomplished. My manager says I cannot do mid to late twenties and definitely not 30. I am thankful for the longevity this youthful appearance provides me. In Hollywood the key is "older to play young". They don't need teachers and they don't have to worry about child labor laws. As long as you look like a kid, but can be worked like an adult you are golden. I was so incredibly delighted to get to this audition today. The object is to make a good impression, a lasting impression on the casting director. You may not be the look that they are casting for at that particular moment, but you could be right for something else. Believe me you want to be right for something. The ultimate goal sometimes gets reduced to just showcasing your talent so that when luck meets preparation you get that phone call telling you that you booked the job. Acting is such a relentless addiction. Acting in the sense of working professionally in the commercial industry. The first time you grace the stage or stand before the cameras you are hooked! You will chase that feeling from sea to shinning sea and you will be oblivious to the rejection and cronyism that keeps you from reporting to the sound stage on the studio lot.  I am such a hopeless junky! There is no AA or group therapy that can get this over sized monkey off my back, but to tell you the truth, even if there was I wouldn't subscribe. My whole family could stage an intervention and cry tears to fill up rivers and I would curse them. Abandon them, hock their jewelry and keepsakes to pay SAG. This is the life I have chosen..."The Good Life". To all the actors, dancers, singers, painters, musicians, writers, poets, teachers, and professionals the world over. Love fades, but passion never dies. We are hopeless junkies that will never sober up because in our haze we create magic. We all stand somewhere in the middle pushing toward the forefront to present greatness in every form imaginable. However today I hoped to find myself successfully in, but more specifically on "The Middle". Stay tuned for the callback!


  1. This was such an amazingly inspiring read! I am definitely a junkie as well, but I have never harmoniously placed such truths together! Thank you for this!
